what should I expect 

Walking into a new church can be intimidating or even unfamiliar if it’s your first time.  We hope that you’ll take the first brave step and come to join us!

We gather in a movie theater on the south edge of the town of Hartford, called Schubert’s Movie Theatre.  The people you meet are very welcoming, friendly, and most belong to the community. We primarily dress casually and believe God wants us to come to Him and His church just as we are.  If you love coffee, we’ll have it ready for you. 

Our worship gatherings usually last about an hour and include music (worship), the preaching of God’s Word and prayer.  If you have children, we look forward to having fun and sharing God’s truth’s with them in ways they’ll be able to understand. We also regularly celebrate together through believer’s communion.
Upon arriving you’ll be greeted, receive a free gift, a tour (if you’d like) and a bulletin which lays out some helpful information for you.
Our prayer for you is that you’d feel welcomed – and encounter Jesus’ radical love for you in which He demonstrated through his sacrifice on the cross for you.
We look forward to seeing you!
If you have a question or comment for us, please call 262.673.5500 or fill out the form and someone will be in touch. 


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